May 29, 2018

Using AI To Boost Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is finally starting to ditch its shady reputation. After booming in the 1990s, the medium was quickly adopted by fraudsters attempting to sell all manner of products. As consumers’ inboxes began to fill with unwanted messages, effective marketing emails were lost amongst the spam. But thanks to its relatively high success rate, email marketing has remained a crucial part of any companies’ marketing arsenal.

Now, AI is helping to make the method more personal and powerful than ever before. Already utilised by some of the world’s biggest companies, AI email marketing is helping brands deliver better content and engage users more effectively. Here are some of the tools that you can use to help you implement AI in your email marketing.


No customer enjoys opening an email that has clearly been blasted to thousands of inboxes. So AI is making it easier for firms to segment and personalise their email campaigns. By using advance algorithms, it’s now possible to harness the most useful customer data and provide ever greater levels of personalisation.

For example, machine learning can help businesses identify the age groups, professions, and locations that provide the best engagement. By segmenting users, conversion rates can expect to soar. For effective automatic personalisation, try Boomtrain. The platform segments users and provides insightful data based upon interactions with emails, websites, apps, and more.

Subject Lines

As the first thing a customer sees, a great subject line is vital. Convoluted or clichéd subject lines will often see emails being sent straight to the trash folder. But AI is helping marketers discover the specific words and phrases that generate the best customer response. Just like a good copywriter, AI is helping companies establish the most effective building blocks of their brand voice.

By using advance split testing, AI can establish what language has the greatest impact with a target audience. And as the technology adapts to its results, it can even generate subject lines from scratch. Software like Phrasee can help your company generate optimised subject lines that stay true to your brand’s tone.


With consumers receiving hundreds of emails a day, timing is crucial. And with work schedules and lifestyles more flexible than ever, AI can help businesses capture their customers at the best time possible by establishing when they are most likely to engage.

For instance, based on past behaviour, you may receive an email first thing in the morning, at lunchtime, or when you’re on your commute. Though it may seem trivial, timing can have a big impact on opens and conversion rates. For tailored timing and proven increased engagement, try Optimail.


As if persuading a customer to even open an email wasn’t hard enough, businesses then have to provide excellent and engaging content for them to be truly effective. One way to do this is through personalised product recommendations. While this is nearly impossible through human methods, AI’s data driven algorithms make it incredibly easy.

By assessing customer profiles, purchases and browsing history, AI can tailor products to consumers with stunning accuracy. This can boost click through rates and, ultimately, sales. As with any form of personalisation, product recommendations, when done right, can help a customer feel valued and respected. To start offering your customers personalised suggestions, try connecting your store to MailChimp.